全球排名104名、歐洲第28名的頂尖大學Sheffield University 提供2個 3000英鎊獎學金的機會給臺灣學生,只要學生透過IDP申請Sheffield 任何碩士課程 (PG taught course)都可以獲得獎學金的提名,被提名的學生需要符合現行公布Sheffield PGT merit scholarship的學生背景,申請跟篩選timeline如下,Sheffield希望透過這個獎學金,可以吸引更多優秀的大學畢業生前往雪菲爾大學就讀碩士班
申請截止日: 2024年5月13日 (若申請件數踴躍,可能提前截止)
We now have more detailed information to share with you on the process, terms and conditions and what we will require from you to launch the IDP - The University of Sheffield Scholarship scheme.
The scholarship will be for PGT offer holders for 2024 entry and will follow the same eligibility, selection and award criteria as our existing PGT merit scholarships.
The aim is application generation and possibly also to drive up applications for all PG taught subjects. The value will be 2 x £3000 fee scholarship.
The scholarship is for Taiwan domiciled students and the selection process is detailed below:
Deadline: May 13, 2024 (If the number of applications is high, the deadline may be advanced.)
更多詳情 More information: http://careercenter.ntnu.edu.tw/upload/1699943833.pdf