







第 12 條

學校得依科、系、所、學程之性質,開設相關實習課程。 前項實習課程,如為校外實習時,其實施方式、實習場所、師資、學分採計、輔導及其他相關事項規定,除法令另有規定外,由學校定之。 學校辦理校外實習課程,需由政府機關(構)、公營事業機構提供實習名額時,依下列方式辦理:

 1. 政府機關(構):由學校檢附校外實習課程計畫書,專案報學校主管機關會商相關政府機關(構)核定。

2. 公營事業機構:學校主管機關得會商公營事業主管機關轉洽所屬事業機構,提供實習之名額、對象及方式,並由學校主管機關依會商結果彙總公告校外實習課程計畫及實習技術生之招募訊息,經評選或甄選決定之。



 外國籍學生實習/就業 Foreign Student Internships/Employment

Ministry of Education, "Directions Governing Foreign Student Internships at Educational Institutions at all Levels and Educational Institutes in the Republic of China"


Ministry of Education, "Operation Directions Governing Applications from Overseas Chinese Students, Students from Hong Kong and Macao, and International Students for Internships after Graduating from University/College in Taiwan"


Workforce Development Agency, Ministry of Labor, Overseas Chinese or Foreign Student Graduated in the R.O.C. to Work in Taiwan

• 依一般依薪資、工作經驗等條件申請 (Apply by Wages and Work Experience)

• 依僑外生留臺工作評點新制申請 (Apply by New Scoring Criteria for Foreign and Overseas Chinese Students to Work in Taiwan)


 Ministry of Labor, "Qualifications and Criteria Standards for foreigners undertaking the jobs specified under Article 46.1.1 to 46.1.6 of the Employment Service Act"


National Development Council, "Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professionals"