



LA PRAIRIE 是領導全球的奢華護膚品牌,銷售點遍佈90個國家。源起瑞士,自1978年品牌創立以來,不僅是奢華典範,更象徵創新、高效、優質服務和瑞士優良傳統。受得天獨厚的瑞士風土眷顧,孕育出純淨、精準、創新和精湛工藝。藉由頂尖科學研究、藝術美學的優雅包裝及各種珍稀配方,La Prairie將創新科學技術昇華至藝術層次,致力實現追求永恆之美的承諾。




一切始於瑞士蒙特羅,巍峨的阿爾卑斯山峰下,歷史悠久的古老萊蒙湖畔旁,坐落舉世聞名的LA PRAIRIE蒙特羅抗老調養中心。這裡是純淨的返齡聖殿,凝住歲月的青春殿堂。

LA PRAIRIE以蒙特羅抗老調養中心先進療程為靈感,結合尖端生物科技與珍稀天然植萃能量,打造出獨步全球的抗老配方 – 獨家活源返齡精萃。從最初研發開始,幾乎每項產品均以此經典配方為基礎,獨家活源返齡精萃也成為LA PRAIRIE抗老科技的經典代名詞。

LA PRAIRIE完美融合了瑞士的精準美學,以尖端萃取科技為基礎,將高效珍稀保養成分 – 鉑金、黃金、魚子,蛻變成超凡保養藝術傑作。再加上以功效為根基、不同凡響的奢華體驗,持續追求藝術傳承與尖端科學的同時,更加精益求精。

LA PRAIRIE對永恆之美的無盡追求已為承諾。




  • 勞保、健保、公司依法提撥6%勞工退休金提繳。
  • 全額公司負擔費用的團體保險。
  • 優於勞基法的年假辦法及彈性工作方案。


  • 每年參與市場薪資調查評估以調整薪資結構及各職類獎金辦法。
  • 每年依照公司營運及個人年度績效調薪及晉升。
  • 年終獎金、績效獎金、年資獎勵。
  • 三節禮金、婚喪喜慶津貼。
  • 生日禮金 & 生日免費品員購額度。
  • 提供制服或服裝津貼 (專櫃人員) 。 
  • 品牌商品員購 (提供免費品 & 半價品額度) 。


  • 全職員工到職即加入福委會享有福委會提供的各項福利。
  • 提供年度健康檢查。
  • 每年舉辦年終尾牙及抽獎。
  • 辦公大樓內設有哺乳室。



職務 名額 學經歷 地點 工作內容 應徵
財務部暑期實習 Finance Summer Internship 1 商學系 台北總公司

Role Purpose

In this role, we are looking for a Finance Intern for our Taipei Affiliate to support in the daily business while discovering the different Finance Métiers. The summer intern program is a two months program for students to obtain valuable working experiences and opportunities!


Main Accountabilities

.Simplified internal process with cross-functional cooperation/alignment.

.Facilitated forecast exercise in Sales Margin, Marketing budget, BA, GE & SOI.

.Enhanced marketing investment analysis to evaluate marketing campaign effectiveness and ROI.

.Based on CRM data analysis, develop an plan for the brand for Internship presentation.


Knowledge, Skills and Experience

.Student or recently graduated in Economics or Business Administration

.First internship experience in finance, preferably in the cosmetic or luxury industry

.Advanced skills in Excel and Power Point

.Good analytical, communication and organization skills

.Proactive and enthusiastic person

.Fluent in English is an asset.

行銷部暑期實習 Marketing Summer Internship 1 行銷學系 台北總公司

Role Purpose

In this role, we are looking for a Marketing Intern for our Taipei Affiliate to support in the daily business while discovering the different Marketing Métiers. The summer intern program is a two months program for students to obtain valuable working experiences and opportunities!


Main Accountabilities

.Conduct in-depth persona research to gain insights into client interests, media behavior, and preferences

.Utilize surveys, interviews, or focus groups to gather qualitative and quantitative data

.Explore consumer purchasing habits and decision-making processes

.Assess persona interests by monitoring social media trends, online forums, and other digital exposures

.Study and analyze brand social listening and identify opportunity for improvement

.Support e-retailer and on line forum product catalog management

.Assist in the creation and execution of marketing campaigns


Knowledge, Skills and Experience

.Student or recently graduated in Marketing

.First internship experience in marketing, CRM or e-commerce, preferably in the cosmetic or luxury industry

.Passionate about brand development and product management

.Advanced skills in Excel and Power Point.

.High business sense, CRM Knowledge or related experience, retail sales experiences in luxury industry are preferred.

.Good analytical, communication and organization skills

.Proactive and enthusiastic person

.Fluent in English is an asset.
