

OHR & Admin Officer 人資行政專員


Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international, independent, medical humanitarian organization that delivers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, natural disasters and exclusion from healthcare. We offer assistance to people based on need and irrespective of race, religion, gender or political affiliation. We have the following vacancy and are looking for a talented individual with a strong desire to contribute to humanitarian work and commit to the aims and values of MSF to join our team in Taipei.



OHR & Admin Officer

Under the supervision of the Senior OHR Officer, the OHR & Admin Officer provides administrative support in various Human Resources functions and assists implementation of Human Resources policies and procedures, with the overall purpose of ensuring a harmonious work environment and supporting the achievement of organizational vision and goals.


Major Responsibilities

  • Assist with recruitment to ensure a seamless and efficient process to meet organizational needs.
  • Responsible for onboarding and offboarding processes, ensuring smooth transitions for employees, maintaining compliance with company policies and local regulations.
  • Oversee the volunteer management and cultivate a positive volunteer experience to strengthen the connection with volunteers.
  • Prepare monthly payroll report with precision and punctuality.
  • Assist the Senior OHR Officer to coordinate and arrange various staff learning & development programs.
  • Plan and execute employee relations activities to promote a positive work environment.
  • Manage the HRIS by updating data, handling troubleshooting requests and promoting usage of the system.
  • Coordinate travel arrangements and oversee office administration tasks to maintain an organized and efficient workplace.




  • Bachelor’s degree, preferably in human resources management or obtain related certificates.
  • 1-2 years of experience in HR or office administration or experience in planning employee relations activities is highly desirable
  • Basic knowledge of the Labour Standards Law and related regulations
  • Good interpersonal and communication skills.
  • Strong teamwork spirit.
  • Excellent work efficiency.
  • Responsible in work; timely discuss with manager and correct mistakes when identified.
  • Ability to manage multiple tasks.
  • Attention to detail and ability of logical thinking.
  • Outstanding organizational skills.
  • Strong ethics and reliability
  • Maintain confidentiality and highly disciplined.
  • Good command of English.
  • Clear commitment to the aims and values of MSF.



How to apply?

Please apply with a letter of motivation (in English) and full resume (in both English and Chinese) on our website (https://taipeimsf.bamboohr.com/careers/40?source=aWQ9MzE%3D). Applicants not invited for interview within 4 weeks may consider their applications unsuccessful. All information collected is solely for recruitment purposes and be treated in strict confidence.


At MSF, we are committed to an inclusive culture that encourages and supports the diverse voices of our employees. We welcome applications from individuals of all genders, ages, sexual orientations, nationalities, races, religions, beliefs, ability status, and all other diversity characteristics.


All personal information (photos, education and work experiences, letter of motivation etc.) received will be used solely for recruitment purpose. Your personal data will be strictly protected, please refer to our Privacy and Individual Data Protection Policy.









  • 協助並確保招聘流程有效順暢及符合組織需求。
  • 負責員工到職及離職程序,在遵守組織規範及政府法令規定的前提下,確保相關步驟及變動順利進行。
  • 負責志工管理,建立積極正面的志工體驗,以強化組織與志工的聯繫。
  • 準備每月薪資報表,確保資料無誤且薪資準時發放。
  • 協助資深人資專員安排各項員工學習及發展計畫。
  • 規劃並執行員工關係活動,促進正向的工作環境。
  • 管理人資系統,更新資料、處理系統相關問題及提升系統的運用。
  • 安排各項差旅及管理辦公室行政,以維持高效和有序的工作環境。



  • 學士學位以上,人力資源相關科系或具相關證照者尤佳。
  • 1-2年人力資源或辦公室行政相關工作經驗或具有辦理員工關係活動經驗者尤佳。
  • 具備勞動基準法及相關法規之基本知識。
  • 良好的人際關係及溝通能力。
  • 具團隊合作精神及優秀的工作效率。
  • 負責的工作態度;發現問題時能及時跟主管討論並修正。
  • 具備處理多項任務的能力。
  • 注重細節,具邏輯思考能力。
  • 良好的組織能力。
  • 具備道德原則和可靠性。
  • 能夠保持機密性,並具高度自律性。
  • 良好的英文能力。
  • 認同且支持無國界醫生組織的目標及宗旨。




請進入我們的招募網頁(https://taipeimsf.bamboohr.com/careers/40?source=aWQ9MzE%3D) 應徵。請填入相關資訊,並附上英文動機信、中、英文履歷、預期薪資與最早可到職日期等資料。如申請人於遞交申請表後四星期內未獲邀約見,即可視作其申請不成功。所有收集的資料僅作招募用途,並會嚴格保密。如申請人於遞交申請表後四星期內未獲邀約見,即可視作其申請不成功。所有收集的資料僅作招募用途,並會嚴格保密。



