

 Submit your internship information and Get free headshot shooting!

對象Who Can Participate:

限臺灣師大在校生(當學期仍在學,不含在職專班及國語教學中心學生),並於活動前一年10月1日至當年度9月30日期間,於同一校外實習機構參與產業實習(不含教學實習、教育實習)累計時數達60(含)小時以上者。**須提供完成時數證明,形式不拘** 實習證明參考範本  

Entrants must be NTNU current students (as of Fall semester , students of in-service programs or MTC are excluded) who have completed 60 hours or above of internship (teaching and educational practicums excluded) at the same off-campus internship organization between 1st Oct., 2023 and 30th Sep., 2024.


登錄期間Submission Period:每年7月1日至9月30日  , July 1 to September 30 every year 

請使用G Suite for NTNU帳號至以下網址登入:https://forms.gle/eqFK8QaPcxyZUWQi6

Please log-in to your "G Suite for NTNU"



The early-bird 200 eligible participants can get “headshot shooting voucher”.



The Career Center will notify you when you can get ”headshot shooting voucher”.